There are almost 2 billion websites on the web, and each site is racing to get to Google’s first page. With trends in digital marketing constantly moving, companies need to adapt to these changes to stay relevant online. In this article, we will discuss some drastic changes on the web, and strategies on how to stay on top of them.
Strategy No. 1: Create Less Blogs, but Update Often
Gone are the days when blogging alone can place a website up the search rankings. Unlike a few years ago, when search engines did not have enough content, the web is filled to the brim with blogs. As such, search engines prefer fresh and quality content over the quantity of content a website has.
The new strategy for digital marketing agencies is to update existing content, rather than churning out a lot of mediocre ones. Going back to old content and updating and adding new information is the best way to do this. Make sure that the dates are updated as well, like Top List 2018 changed to Top List 2019, for example.
It does not hurt creating new content, though it does not have to be a lot on a daily basis. You can have one new blog a week, then continue updating exiting content.
Strategy No. 2: Moving to Other Digital Content
Most news agencies and known article-based websites are also shifting to making videos, and they are doing so for a reason. In line with the previous strategy, blogging is not as effective as it used to be. As search engines are too crowded with blog content, using a different search engines and content can generate positive results.
Not only are videos easier to digest, they are also easier on the eyes and can be listened to while multitasking. This is also true with podcasts, where the audience can listen to them on the go. Traffic on these types of content is not that congested, so content creators can use these avenues to as a strategy.
Budget is also not an issue with these content types. Contrary to what others may think, creating videos and podcasts are easier nowadays, thanks to powerful smartphones. Plus, audiences prefer an authentic experience rather than a full-blown production.
Strategy No. 3: Optimize for Voice Search
Voice search is turning less into a fad, and more into an industry standard. 40% of adults used voice search at least once a day in 2018, with experts estimating the number to increase to 50% in 2020. Additionally, three out of 10 people are using web searches on devices without a screen, like smart speakers and voice assistants. Adapting to voice search queries is important for companies to stay relevant in the cyberspace.
In the case of a digital marketing agency, the ownership of its website design typically belongs to the agency itself. The agency may have either developed the website design in-house or hired a third-party web design company to create it. Regardless of the specific arrangement, the agency retains ownership of the design, content, and overall branding of its Who Owns ChatGPT.
As for Chat GPT, if a digital marketing agency incorporates this AI technology into its website for features like live chat or customer support, the ownership of Chat GPT remains with Open AI. While the agency may utilize Chat GPT as a tool to enhance its website’s functionality and user experience, it does not own the underlying technology. Instead, the agency licenses Chat GPT from Open AI, enabling it to leverage the AI capabilities within its own digital marketing strategy and services.
Most teens and adults use voice search to get contact numbers or locations, so updating these details on your website is a good start. Having positive reviews for the business, along with securing your business listings on search engines also help improve search results.
Since voice searches are more conversational searches than keyword-based, knowing what possible words customers use will be a great advantage. Several websites can be used to find possible queries for keywords, while outsourcing marketing agency australia can help optimize websites. FAQ pages on your site containing the possible queries in it also improve search results.
These are some of the marketing strategies recommended for 2019. Some may show immediate results, while others could take time for results to appear. Being sensitive to the changing conditions of the digital realm will make sure businesses stay relevant.