Security cameras nowadays are becoming a thing of the past ever since IP cameras got introduced.  IP cameras are digital video cameras that record live footage wherein your WiFi is a medium used to send you notifications whenever your alarm gets tripped wherever you are. They provide a great option for your security system and will make it a lot easier for you to identify any areas of suspicion. Here are the benefits of IP cameras for your security systems and why you have to realize that you need them.

  • Resolution – An IP camera provides the advantage since it has the ability to shoot footage between 1 and 5 megapixels. Having this range of megapixels, your image quality is more clear such that, it makes identification of any person in your footage easier. IP cameras also provide a larger field of view that analog cameras have. Whether it is being cabled or wireless, security cameras that use an IP system have many advantages to its users. Having a higher resolution means that zooming in will not create a blurry image but can create a very clear one for its viewers. The quality of the camera does not make the difference, but it is the amount of information that an IP system can handle.
  • Analytics – Analytics of video footage are changing the dynamics everywhere. Analytics allow you to receive notifications to your personal devices if any type of threat gets detected – meaning having a faster action time. You may also have and set your IP cameras to record in an automatic state if any movement gets detected. Your business is still watched and is still secured even after hours through video analytics. An alert will get sent to your phone accompanied by the footage and you will get notifies if a threat gets detected while you are at home.
  • Scalability – You are being limited to the number of cameras you can hook up to a single DVR through an analog system, plus you will need cabling for each camera you have. With IP cameras, your security system uses a network video recorder (NVR) – this runs each of your cameras in a certain range to a single switch. The switch can then run back to the NVR allowing you to save on cabling, installation, and maintenance expenses.
  • System cost – Even if IP cameras are more costly than analog cameras, it is still a great deal to invest in. The entire IP system ends up being less than an analog system more than you can realize. This is because these cameras have a larger field of view and do not need a lot of equipment to use.

            It is a good deal to invest in vstarcam ip camera singapore as they provide you with your goals and security needs! Invest in what lasts and gives you the utmost advantage, and you will not regret it.

By Milasophia

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