As a company, it is important that you keep up with technologies. This is a way of future-proofing your business so it stays relevant, active and profitable. In this case, have you heard about the smart office? Smart office describes a workplace that enables employees to work better and faster with the help of technology – particularly IoT (Internet of Things).
IoT refers to any devices connected to the Internet. Since devices are connected to the Internet, it has the ability to send or receive information. These abilities make a home or office “smart”. If you integrate IoT in your office processes and systems, it can help reduce daily routine for every employee. In the end, the workplace becomes efficient and productive.
So, what makes an office smart? Here’s a look into smart office features:
PC and smartphone connection
Employees can now work without wasting time traveling to remote sites because of PC and smartphone connection. In most cases, companies turn the smartphones of employees into portable offices. This means employees can reach PC virtually to manage and print documents.
Simply put, IoT allows employees to work remotely by tapping into their devices wherever they are. The smartphone of employees can also be set to receive notifications if something goes wrong.
Smart ID
In the past, IDs or badges are given to employees to access a certain zone in the office building. However, this is risky because if it is lost, someone might use it to gain access to a secure area. With the coming of smart IDs, administrators can now manage restrictions.
Smart IDs allow administrators to remotely program or change permissions in a short amount of time. This means that employees are given due access to different zones like parking, meeting rooms, storages, and other secure areas.
Energy saving
The cost of utilities should be controlled if you want more profit at the end of every month. One utility cost that you should focus on is energy because it is the most expensive thing to pay. In the past, it is a problem if your people forget to turn off the light and other appliances when leaving the office.
Thanks to smart lighting, energy saving is within reach. Smart lighting is connected to IoT sensors and devices. Aside from smart lighting, there is also a system that can manage temperature, humidity, climate control and many more. It is now possible to reduce electric bills with smart environment systems.
Smart meeting room
It is indeed boring to watch presentations or send files to every participant after meetings. This will change if you integrate IoT. With smart meeting room applications, you are allowed to connect all the smartphones or PC of all participants to send materials and notifications.
It will also allow you to book the meeting room and invite participates in a few clicks. Manipulations like turning the lights on when the first person enters the room or connecting the laptop to the projector make meetings fun, interesting and less stressful.
Smart warehousing
If your business is related to storing or manufacturing, you can connect scanners to smart devices to facilitate tracking especially on all the inventory items. Aside from tracking, IoT can also help analyse data. With smart warehousing technology, employees can do other important tasks.
Final words
If you decide to build a smart office, you should hire Tandem that can integrate IoT-devices into your ongoing procedures. Aside from this, you should also train existing staff members to make them adapt to the new technology. In the end, you need people who can manage IoT operations. Collaboration is the key here as it facilitates the management of resources and productivity.